samedi 24 décembre 2022

Multidisciplinary Interpretation of Precipitation: Principles and Concepts (Part I)


Multidisciplinary Interpretation of Precipitation: Principles and Concepts (Part I)


Etymologically derived from the Latin expression "praecipitatio" which literally means "fall". Precipitation, according to the meteorological sense, takes another dimension of concept to designate a particular natural phenomenon of the climate called "rain". This last one has the possibility to occur in a region, in several states (liquid, solid... etc.). With the breakthrough of scientific research in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the most abundant element in the Universe and on Earth are coincidentally the elements that constitute water, that is, hydrogen in the Universe and oxygen on Earth. We owe this important discovery to the precursor of modern chemistry, Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794), who succeeded in identifying the components of water in a world where technology was sorely lacking to carry out scientific research.

From the well-known characteristic forms attributed to precipitation, it is also known that there is a secondary specificity that categorizes precipitation, depending on the area of coverage; intensity and duration. It seems quite reasonable to assume that less extensive cloud cover will tend to result in precipitation of higher intensity and shorter duration. The latter is defined as convective precipitation, as opposed to stratiform precipitation. In the seven layers that make up the atmosphere, the different cloud classifications are generally located at an altitude between 1000 and 12000 m, barely exceeding the troposphere (13000 m).

The real cradle of precipitation begins with the partial blocking of stellar radiation by the ozone layer of the stratosphere. In fact, once they reach the surface of the earth, the emitted radiations cause, through the temperature, the warming that results in the evaporation of the surface of the seas (which is none other than the evapotranspiration). Thus, the water vapor generated as a result of this phenomenon, causes an upward movement under the impulse of the atmospheric pressure which gradually decreases in altitude. A lower pressure due to a low density of molecules present in the air with a lower temperature leads in turn to the condensation of water vapor around a core, consisting of charged and neutral particles.  These combine to reach the saturation point of humidity (high density of water vapor in the air) and marks the appearance of the cloud in its irregular forms that we observe during the day. With its almost negligible weight compared to its immense size, the quantity of visible clouds manages however to remain suspended in the atmosphere and thus escapes, for a time, the gravitational attraction of the terrestrial gravity.

Drawn at will by wind circulations, the new cooling and condensation improvise the cloud to take more weight in the process of supersaturation and favors the phenomenon of precipitation and previously conditioned by the humidity of the air of the coverage area. Once again, between the humid area and the dry air, the temperature and the equinox play in favor or against a precipitation phenomenon that can give life to the ground without vaporizing into the atmosphere. Although essential for the supply of groundwater, which is sometimes found almost in the fourth layer of the earth's crust (lower mantle), the chemical composition of precipitation can be altered by the polluting components present in the air. Therefore, it would not be a prejudice to consider precipitation as a major factor of a rapid response disease in a locality.

Due to the rotation, revolution, tilt and sphericity of the Earth, the unevenly distributed global temperature results in the occurrence of wind circulations in multiple directions. For example, a warm air mass gaining altitude cools and creates convection to interact with water vapour as it condenses and, on the other hand, causes wind to be driven.  In addition, the horizontal force of atmospheric pressures and the perpendicular force of inertia known as its precursor Coriolis (Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis (1792-1843)) explain in the literature to a large extent the direction and intensity of wind in atmospheric circulations, which is a major means of locomotion of clouds across continents and oceans.

On a global scale, there are three distinct zones of wind circulation: the Hadley cell, the Ferrel convection and the polar circulation. For the first, the Hadley cell, located from the Equator to 30°N and 30°S, winds blow from the Northeast to the Southwest and from the Southeast to the Northwest (called Trade Winds) and marks the low pressure intertropical convergence zone. The second, the Ferrel zone, is characterized by transient low pressure areas with winds blowing generally towards the West. North and south of the 60th parallel is the polar zone with eastward wind speeds. These three zones of the globe are interconnected by the so-called "fast air" atmospheric current (polar and subtropical type) whose directions are almost sinusoidal over the globe.

Through these atmospheric currents, oceanic circulations are also affected by seasonal variability as pointed out by Walker (1868-1958) and Humboldt (1769-1859). For example, the decrease of the circulation in the Hadley cell, can displace the Walker cell and favor the displacement of warm surface waters of the South Pacific: this meteorological phenomenon is known under the famous expression "El Niño", which in turn influences the precipitation, just as "La Niña" would disrupt the temperature of other lands.

In addition, the topographic nature of the Earth's surface also interacts with the climate. For example, by blocking the circulation of temperature at high altitudes and weather, mountainous areas contribute to the supply of precipitation over several kilometers and change the climatic conditions of the surrounding area.

Eccentrically, the Paleocene-Eocene period (56 million years) has been identified as a breakthrough in the knowledge of paleoclimatic variability. This highlights the existence of a major factor, beyond a simple meteorite impact on the Earth, to upset the climate balance.  The change in the Earth's orbit, or the deformation of the Earth's ellipse, according to scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, marked the warmest period since the Earth's birth 4.6 billion years ago. Such warming has certainly traced the history of precipitation evolution on Earth.

From a theological point of view, the links between atmospheric circulations and precipitation have been mentioned since the seventh century in, for example, the Holy Quran of Islam. In particular, it is reported in Sura 30, verse 48:

« It is Allah Who sends the winds, which then stir up ˹vapour, forming˺ clouds, which He then spreads out in the sky or piles up into masses as He wills, from which you see rain come forth. Then as soon as He causes it to fall on whoever He wills of His servants, they rejoice, ».



And from Sura 24, verse 43:

« Do you not see that Allah gently drives the clouds, then joins them together, piling them up into masses, from which you see raindrops come forth? And He sends down from the sky mountains ˹of clouds˺ loaded with hail, pouring it on whoever He wills and averting it from whoever He wills. The flash of the clouds’ lightning nearly takes away eyesight. ».


In general, in the process of precipitation formation, several different atmospheric phenomena according to specific standards, some known, others unknown, and exo-atmospheric phenomena contribute directly and indirectly.



Abdi-Basid ADAN, 2022.

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